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Projects and Social Media

Writer's picture: PetsnchargePetsncharge

Hopefully, you’ve learned something new during this project. If you did, or if you would like to see future projects, follow me on social media.

I will have more tutorials, videos posts and design projects in the future.

DIY Cat Shelters

The ultimate goal for these shelters is to put them out for as many cats as possible before the harshest of the winter months, across the globe.

This goal requires lots of help. There are many different ways which you can help:

  • Building shelters for local TNR / rescues, feral colonies, shelters. If you are not familiar with the groups who are active in your area I can help you find that out.

  • Donating your time. One thing we are always short of that money can't fix is time, expertise, extra hands and a passion for what we are doing! You could help build, pick-up or drop off shelters, or make the rounds of checking shelters and save some kittens.

  • Monetary donations or donating supplies. Most groups are 503c or not for profit and desperately need donations. Others pay out of pocket unless they receive donations for projects like the shelters.

The Tabitha Project

Tabitha, the inspiration behind this innovative shelter design is inspiring a movement to help save as many lives as possible. If you would like to know more about The Tabitha Project and how you can get involved, contact me today.

Social Media


On my Amazon Influencer Shop you will find all of the products that I personally use in my projects collected into kits. You will also find toys, treats furniture and pet care products that are used regularly in my home and I recommend. A portion of the revenue that I make from this store goes back to the support of the cat rescue and rehabilitation community.








Watch the tutorial video on my YouTube Channel

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